Recipe: Roasted Grass Fed Fillet
Roasted Grass-Fed Fillet of Beef with Walnut Stuffing, Sautéed Greens
Serves 4
• 800gm whole grass-fed beef fillet, trimmed
• 1 onion, diced
• 1 dove garlic, finely sliced
• 1 tbs olive oil
• 1 cup grated cauliflower
• 150gm walnuts, roughly chopped
• 1 egg
• 1 tsp chopped thyme salt
• 200gm Brussels sprouts, sliced
• 1 bunch cavolo Nero, roughly chopped
• 1 bunch kale, roughly chopped
• 2tbs olive oil
• 1 onion, diced
• 1 dove garlic, sliced
• 1 red chilli, sliced
• ½ tsp fennel seeds
• 50ml apple cider vinegar
• Salt and pepper
Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil until soft. Add the cauliflower and continue to cook over a low heat for 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and cool. Mix in the egg, walnuts and thyme and season well with salt and pepper.
Using a long, thin knife, make an incision in the beef lengthwise through the centre to form a pocket for the stuffing. Stuff the walnut mixture into the beef and secure the ends with wooden skewers. Season the beef well with salt and pepper and sear all over in a hot heavy based pan. Transfer to a roasting tray and bake at 220 C for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and rest for 5 minutes.
Saute the onion, garlic, chilli and fennel seeds in olive oil until soft. Add the Brussel sprouts, cavolo nero and kale and stir over
a medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add the apple cider vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Slice the beef into l cm slices and serve fanned over the cabbage mixture.