Your brand. Your Podcast!
John Caruso, host of our very own Conversations IN Noosa podcast, explores the sweet-spot between a brand’s needs and what an audience wants. Why your own business channel and platforms work just as effectively as a podcast network’s when it comes to promoting your content and why Spotify plans to spend $500 million on podcasting.
There’s so much news flying about when it comes to the burgeoning podcasting landscape that’s it’s hard to believe that not more and more businesses and brands are jumping aboard to capitalise and exploit the snowballing opportunities.
In a world where creating and sharing a piece of unique content is getting easier, the challenge is cutting through and being seen and heard in a digital world that is overcrowded with everyone vying for your attention.
Steve Pratt is a blogger and founder of Pacific Content, makers of podcasts with brands, and he recently wrote about utilising your own brand’s channels for distribution, when it comes to growing the podcasting pie and having your content reach an audience that already has a relationship with your brand.
Say you run a business. You’re a savvy operator who’s budgeted for marketing and advertising and you have a social media presence as well. There’s a loyal, growing number of clients/customers that support you and you’re cultivating those customers and developing a sold relationship with them, turning them into ‘super fans’ of your brand.
“People didn’t understand what Netflix was all about 8 years ago…”
Podcasting is an effective, intimate way of continuing to grow your relationship however you’re dwelling on the ‘how do I reach an audience’ part of the process. Right?
Steve writes that being part of a larger podcast network umbrella is great, however reaching and finding the right audience that connects with your brand can still be a tricky process. So, why not use the channels that you’ve already created? Does your brand have a website? An app? Social media sites with decent traffic?
“A considerable portion of the people that your brand can reach are not regular podcast listeners however, by using your own channels effectively, your brand can be one of the sources of growing the overall podcast industry, plus you’re not preaching to the converted and you’re growing the pie all at the same time. And as a brand, who wouldn’t want to have the opportunity to give a new listener their first ever podcasting experience?” says Steve.
So now that you’ve established that you’ve got all the right channels, right under your nose, to branch out into the podcasting landscape, how do you go about creating the right content?
A podcast that simply bangs on about your brand will come off sounding like an infomercial and there’s little-to-no value at all for your audience. Workshop ideas around your business strategy, goals and values and then decide on what ‘voice’ your podcast should have. Explore and establish a sweet-spot between an area of interest to your brand and an area of interest for your audience (customers/clients). The area where those two interests overlap? That’s the content your podcast should contain.
For us here at IN Noosa Magazine, we strive to be more than a magazine and our Conversations in Noosa podcast is another way for us to connect community through storytelling. It provides us with the chance to add another dimension to our printed content as well as add value to our readers (who become listeners) and also our clients who support us. We are approaching 70 episodes sharing stories from well-known to everyday people – chefs, producers, hair stylists, colleagues – everyone has a story!
I talk to people every day who still aren’t exactly sure what a podcast is or how it works. And some that don’t see the potential growth opportunities or value. My response? People didn’t understand what Netflix was all about 8 years ago! Now, the term streaming video on demand (SVOD) and the Netflix brand along with other streaming services, are part of the everyday vernacular. Podcasting, streaming audio on demand, will experience the same exponential growth and place in our everyday lives, and if you don’t believe me, then consider why music streaming giant Spotify has announced plans for a $500 million investment into the podcasting space.
In February, Spotify announced it was acquiring podcast production house Gimlet Media and recording app Anchor, which is an app where podcasters record and distribute their podcasts. The move by the Luxembourg-based company demonstrates their intention to challenge Apple Podcasts head-on, which has been playing in the podcasting pool for almost a decade.
Podcasting is still in its infancy and its growth potential on several levels is huge. Adding a podcast to your digital suite makes sense and IN Noosa Magazine and Conversations IN Noosa, can easily help you in partnering up and getting started.
Want more?
Contact John Caruso on 0414 436 732 or email to talk about how podcasting can benefit your brand and catch-up on the latest Conversations IN Noosa podcasts featuring Formula One driver Mark Webber, Real Estate expert Adrian Reed, hairstylist Craig Argent and Afghanistan commando Andy Fermo. Our podcast is available on ALL good podcast platforms; Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Whooshkaa.