A Little Art Party Never Killed Anybody at Frida’s Luxe Sip N’ Paint
Stay playful people! Carlie Wacker explores the luxe grown up way to get your giggle on and create beautiful memories (and er, art) with your friends and family!
My intention every single time I do a Frida’s Luxe Sip N’ Paint workshop is that I shall create the greatest piece of my painting career (by painting career, I mean the six or so times I’ve put paint to canvas).
It is great to set intent when preparing for a Frida’s Luxe Sip N’ Paint workshop but the truth is you may get caught up in all the glitz and glam and forget the intent because you are having so much fun and you lose yourself in the sparkling wine and canapés and chit chat. Or is that just me?
I love a good social outing but none more than Frida’s Luxe Sip N’ Paint – it starts with the entrance. There is nothing better to lift the spirits than being ushered into a chandelier filled room on a red carpet like a celebrity guest.
Everything is set up for your artful soirée – paints, canvas, brushes and aprons await. You can bring your own beverages and eats and I recommend the finest cheese platter and the best bubbles for such a special occasion. You’re creating memories ….oh and art!
It was a fine Sunday afternoon when I gathered some of the IN Noosa Magazine extended family of Jo O’Hang, Kylie Plunkett and Chris Harding. Jo of Nu You Natural Day Spa was a bit panicked about her creative abilities with the acrylics but it wasn’t long before we discovered that (fuelled by champagne) she was Frida Khalo resurrected.
“I haven’t painted since I was two but that was so much fun – I’ll do it again” she said.
Chris was very quiet which made me suspicious – disguising her obvious natural talent by distracting us with her fancy food platter with the good cheeses.
“A great day with good friends; we got back to childhood and to being playful,” said Chris.
Kylie caught us off guard, stating disgust at her lack of brushstroke aptitude only to turn out a mighty fine piece which we suggested take pride of place in her new Il Porto Bar at Peregian Beach Hotel.
In retrospect, if I had spent more time focusing on my own work instead of spying on others it may have resulted in a piece of fine art rather than resemble a finger painting.
Natasha Bouchard was our patient host who says she just loves her role at Frida’s Luxe Sip N’ Paint
“The most rewarding thing is seeing people come in so nervous, feeling like they don’t have any skills but smiling at the end and realising they have a creative spark,” she said.
They could also be smiling because they’d had a few too many glasses of liquid courage – just saying!
The host takes you through the process one brushstroke at a time but it’s fascinating to see how different everyone’s artwork is at the end. It’s also good to have a host like Natasha there to remind us not to drink the paint water (note to self for next time).
Our Gabriella Gatsby inspired experience at Frida’s Luxe Sip N’ Paint was a party that brought our inner playfulness, some healthy competition and some budding adult artists that agree wine and works of art go hand in hand. After all, a little party never killed anybody…
- Enjoy the journey, it’s surprising what you can achieve when you’re in such a supportive, inspiring and relaxed environment!
- Go with a fun group and take the best drinks and canapés to fuel your creativity
- Do not overthink it
- Do not overpaint it – know when to stop
- Do not drink the paint water
- Be suspicious of the quiet ones in your group – they are very good artists
- Don’t be suspicious of the noisy ones – we’re all talk, no action
- Listen to your host as they guide you with the best tips