Good Vibrations – Vibrational Therapy
Erin Yarwood encourages you to calm your mind and let the good vibes roll.
As we suddenly slide into the warmer essence of spring energy, we feel the urge to regain some motivation, self-love, body awareness and that extra caring touch for ourselves.
Not that we stopped caring for ourselves over winter, but it is generally a time of comfort just as spring is generally a time for renewed energy.
As beneficial as it is to get our hearts pumping and beads of sweat trickling off our freshly sun-kissed skin, it is equally as important to step back a notch and focus, realign, stretch, relax and simply just be present.
Along with the likes of yoga and meditation, which are both perfect for this slower paced self-care, you may have heard about vibrational healing.
Not that it’s a new discovery, quite the opposite really, but it is becoming more and more popular as people are experiencing the amazing benefits and healing properties received by exposure to different frequencies.
Vibrational therapy comes in many forms to suit all walks of life. Instruments can be played, felt and enjoyed on their own or many of them to form beautiful rhythmic vibrations and layers as they are played together.
Vibrational healing instruments can range from healing drums, singing bowls (crystal and Tibetan/brass), tuning forks, chimes, thumb drums and crystal pyramids, just to name a few. Each bring their own backgrounds, sound frequencies and spiritual beliefs from around the world.
Playing these instruments or simply being in the same room experiencing the vibrational benefits can affect you on many different levels, and can help you to recharge, reset and realign your mind and body. They can heal you on an emotional level too.
You may agree that the past 18 months or so have been a little weird, and slightly stressful.
It can be difficult to know exactly how to unwind and calm our mind; not all of us are natural meditators and it can be really hard to just switch off sometimes.
You will find that regardless of your meditative abilities, simply laying with your eyes closed and listening to someone play a few singing bowls, a tongue drum and a crystal pyramid for example, can transport you to another place and give you the chill out and unguided simple comfort that you were unknowingly craving.
So along with being active and moving your body, please remember it is also just as important to quiet your mind and chill out too.
If you have yet to experience the sounds and frequencies of these amazing instruments, do yourself a favour and either buy yourself some to play with, or book into a local gathering or class. You will completely love it, guaranteed.
So… what are you waiting for?
Let the good vibes roll!!!