The Sweetest Thing at Sunshine & Sons
Never one to rest on their juniper, the Sunshine & Sons crew have been taking on the world and creating a world of fun this winter. Deb Caruso tries to keep up!
While Chief Imagineer Matt Hobson was on a global research tour and taking Sunshine & Sons to the world, the team have been keeping busy supporting local events and hosting a few of their own.
From creating their own characters, including the Flamingo Flamingo Sunshine Sisters, The Volcanic Vodka Goddess and Mr Zany for the Rangebow Festival; to launching a range of “Australia’s Funniest…” spirits for the That’s Not My Dog comedy festival, the team has been spreading the sunshine far and wide.
Back at the Distillery Door, they’ve been creating small-batch gins such as the Pomelo & Kumquat or Red Dragon Gin and inviting Señor Paella over for a laidback Saturday session.
The Sweetest Thing masterclass saw them team up with local Silver Tongue Fine Foods for a Curated (side) Plate event unlike any other! Mr Barista Coffee Liqueur paired with Silver Tongue’s handmade Sourdough Donuts to deliver three cocktails and three hot donuts over two of the sweetest masterclasses in town! What a sensation!
Stay tuned to see what Matt has been distilling since his global research trip! Whatever comes next, we know it will add more sunshine to our lives – and that can only be a good thing.