IN Noosa Magazine in the Media!
IN Noosa Magazine is celebrating 10 years in print, and we’re thrilled to have this huge milestone recognised by some of the country’s leading media news outlets.
When our founder and editor-in-chief Deb Caruso created IN Noosa Magazine a decade ago, ‘print is dead’ was the catch-cry of the time.
But not only is IN Noosa Magazine still here, it’s thriving and bigger than ever – a testament to our commitment to INforming, INdulging and INspiring our readers and connecting the community through storytelling.
We’ve printed 41 editions and over three billion pages in the past 10 years, working with our valued advertisers to share their stories in a genuine, authentic way that leaves a lasting impression with readers.
Proudly ‘more than a magazine’, we also create our ‘Everyone Has a Story: Conversations from the Sunshine Coast and Noosa’ podcast that’s had more than 40,000 downloads; a popular weekly e-newsletter with over 4,000 subscribers; social media content for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn where we’ve amassed a following of more than 35,000 likes, followers and subscribers; and popular in-person events including wine lunches, fashion shows, arts events and more.
Last week, we had our story featured by both Mumbrella and B&T – two iconic publications who are national leaders in media, advertising, marketing and business news.
Read the stories below!
Mumbrella: IN Noosa Magazine Turns 10
B&T: IN Noosa Magazine Celebrates 10 Year Milestone
Want to dive deeper into our 10-year journey? Grab a copy of our brand-new Spring Issue (or take a peek at the digital version) to discover the story behind 10 Years of Noosa Magazine by staff writer Melanie Rosettenstein; and also More Than a Magazine: 10 Years of IN Noosa Magazine where Jennifer Swaine and Heather Mollins INvite some of the IN Noosa Magazine family to share their journey.
We’ve proven that print is truly alive and kicking if it focuses on great stories and beautiful visuals with an authentic purpose. Cheers to the next 10 years!