Make Easter Magic
Sarah Vercoe affirms there’s magic in the every day at Noosa Civic, where illusions lurk and balloon art abounds these Easter holidays.
The Easter holidays are about more than just chocolate eggs and cute white bunnies. They offer a chance to reconnect with the family and find joy in the fundamentals of life.
As a family friendly destination, Noosa Civic gets that. They provide a space where families can find magic in the rhythm of ‘ordinary’ life with their ever-expanding bag of tricks to entertain the kids during school holidays.
Spreading magic at Noosa Civic these Easter holidays are multi award-winning magician Nickleby and internationally renowned balloon artist Miss Donna, providing interactive entertainment for families while they shop.
Noosa Civic marketing manager Tessa Biddles said the entertainers would be roving the centre from 10am to 12pm and again at 1pm to 3pm.
Past events have been known to sell out fast so for the band of mini-fans these popular children’s entertainers have amassed, day-long fun throughout the centre is foolproof.
Miss Donna is renowned for her adept hands and creative vision, twisting and shaping colourful balloons into a long list of well-loved Disney characters, animals and toys. Her bright smile and animated personality make the process of creating balloon art just as fun for children as the end product.
“Miss Donna wandering the centre will spread lots of holiday cheer,” Tessa said. “She is incredible at what she does and the way she interacts with the children is so colourful.”
For children spellbound by illusion, Nickleby The Magician is a master of deception. Captivating audiences with his trickery, Nickleby is legendary for making things vanish without a trace and then re-appear out of nowhere.
“He’s well-known for leaving the audience agape, wondering how on Earth he did that,” Tessa says.
“Witness impossible things happen right in front of your eyes, Nickleby The Magician is guaranteed to make your child’s eyes light up.”
It’s experiences like these, where the entire family can encounter wonderment in their every-day, that make Noosa Civic more than just a shopping centre.
A destination in itself, it is a space where families can bond and the community can come together.
“We’re always looking to connect with local entertainers and businesses,” Tessa says. “Forming partnerships in the community is at the forefront of our business.”
In fact, the community as a whole is a driving force for many of the initiatives run by the centre. Operating for more than two years now, their community-led food drive, The Little Community Pantry, has fostered a steadfast commitment for locals wanting to support those in need.
“We have a very generous community,” Tessa says. “Donations continue to flood in and our partner, OzHarvest, have had to increase their collection to every 10 days.”
OzHarvest is one of Australia’s leading food rescue organisations. They deliver donated goods to partners around the Sunshine Coast who work with vulnerable community members. Donated food is used to cook meals or is distributed as part of relief hampers coordinated by a variety of charities.
With the holiday period a tough time for many, it’s these small acts of kindness and community connectedness that allow joy to seep in when it’s most needed. And with magic around every corner these Easter holidays, Noosa Civic is a destination every family can enjoy.
Free Holiday Fun
Balloon Modelling with Miss Donna
Dates: 6th – 9th April
Times: 10am – 12pm daily
Roving Magic with Nickleby The Magician
Dates: 6th – 9th April
Times: 1pm – 3pm daily
No bookings required. Find out more at www.noosacivic.com.au and follow Noosa Civic Shopping Centre on Facebook for all the latest events.