Postures in Peace with Holistic Health Hub

Image source: Photographer Megan Gill

Georgia Beard reveals how the team at IN Noosa Magazine develop newfound unity between the body, mind and soul during Holistic Health Hub’s riverside yoga session. 

When we arrive in the lush, sun-dappled space on the river’s edge, Noosa Woods is just waking up. Swapping our daywear for activewear, the IN Noosa team finds yoga mats stretched out on the grass and instructors waiting to guide us through a physical and mental reawakening. 

We kick off our shoes to ground ourselves in the environment before claiming a mat. Although some of us are familiar with the experience of yoga, we’re all seeking some renewed balance and inner peace. 

Holistic Health Hub’s mobile yoga sessions encourage a unified wellness of the body, mind and soul in the serene natural environments of Noosa. 

As we settle into warm-ups and sun salutations, this unity arises from the combined expertise of Personal Trainer Josie and Yoga Coach Marlena.

As the Director of Holistic Health Hub, Josie takes a multifaceted approach to physical fitness with strength training, body mechanics and nutrition for holistic transformation. Marlena enhances this approach with traditional yoga practices for self-reflection and internal healing. 

Inspired by historic Hindu spirituality, the instructors lead us through hatha yoga which engages the body in breathing techniques and slow, mindful postures to build core strength. 

Throughout the session, Josie and Marlena give us the freedom to follow movements at our own pace. 

As we shift from Warrior to Tree Pose to the Cat/Cow, we adjust the poses to match our physical abilities, and pause if needed. 

Maintaining flexibility, balance and breathing techniques is not as ‘soft’ as it sounds and before long I am sweating as my body comes to life. The further we progress through the poses, the easier our bodies respond to their physical demands.

After the recovery pose of Savasana, Marlena guides the team into a loving-kindness meditation, breathing from the chest or ‘heart centre’ and repeating positive affirmations for the self and for others in our lives.

As we emerge from the meditation, tensions wash away, the mental fog lifts and connection grows between our body, mind and emotions – and we’re left wanting more. 

Alongside hatha yoga, Holistic Health Hub can deliver stronger flow sessions of vinyasa, Iyengar and yin yoga which engage the body in more stamina-based workouts. 

Holistic Health Hub Noosa’s team of fitness, Pilates and yoga coaches also offer massages and training sessions from the comfort of your home, holiday rental or nature-based meeting place.

Taking holistic wellness to the next level, the Coaching Program allows you to take control of your health with structured and personalised fitness regimes in your own space.

After a free consultation, coaches customise your program to fit your goals, develop a sustainable diet for your body and keep you accountable. 

The result is a long-term transformation in your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Holistic Health Hub has enlightened us to the transformative power of yoga and seeking to exist in harmony with ourselves and one another.

I feel stronger inside and out – and ready to take on the approaching deadlines!

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