The Year of Déjà Vu with Kate Cox

Image source: Contributed

When you’ve been in the real estate game for as long as Kate Cox, sometimes you can sell the same home multiple times. Each time presents a different story though, as Melanie Rosettenstein discovers.

As people come and go Noosa’s real estate landscape is always changing. Some properties can have the same owner for decades while others change hands many times in a few short years. For Licensed Real Estate Agent Kate Cox of Reed & Co, selling the same property multiple times gives her a sense that history is repeating itself, yet each time, the home is almost always transformed in some way – showing how every owner sees their home as a unique canvas that reflects their life.

“It’s been a year of déjà vu, with a few homes coming back onto the market that I’ve sold before,” says Kate. “It’s fascinating to see how each owner makes their own mark. These aren’t major overhauls, just thoughtful tweaks and small modifications to homes that were already beautiful. Then, when you return a year or even several years later, you get to see the unique touches each new owner has added.”

Estate life in Noosa Springs

Kate recently sold a lovely duplex in Noosa Springs which she’s sold three times. Each time she goes back, something has changed.

“Every owner has changed something,” she said. “The house has had three new kitchens, but the bathrooms and the bedrooms have remained the same. The garden has changed a lot over the past few years from a European style to a tropical style depending on the tastes of the owner at the time.”

Kate adds that this home was already in excellent condition when it was sold but a new owner will always see something different and make changes according to their own priorities.

Eco-living in Noosa Heads

This large home on a big block of land in Noosa Heads was sold five to six years after it was originally built. Kate says that when she returned a few years later, it had been transformed into an eco-friendly property where you could easily live off-grid if you needed to.

Kate said the owners had installed solar panels, batteries, and water tanks as well as cultivating a thriving vegetable garden with fruit trees.

“When I sold to those owners, the house was perfect so it’s amazing to see how it still had the potential to be completely transformed,” she adds.

Kate also explains that the eco-owners had sold to move to the hinterland, surmising that perhaps after getting a good taste of eco-living, they wanted to level up this lifestyle with more space.

Waterfront lifestyle in Noosa Heads

Another amazing home which Kate has sold a couple of times was an expansive family home on the water in Noosa Heads.

“When I last sold the home many years ago it was already a large home and very attractive and practical. But when I returned to sell the property again the current owners had expanded the home even more!

An extension on the second level to incorporate a master suite with stunning views and a second en-suited bedroom. They also extended the entertaining area to facilitate big family events.”

According to Kate , the owners loved the property but it’s now time to move on to new adventures in the Noosa Hinterland.

Another interesting observation from Kate is that all three of these sales were with people who were looking to move locally.

“People change their homes or move as their lifestyle needs change,” she said.

“And it’s not always about downsizing. Some people upsize because their kids need more space or a relative moves in. Others want to be near the sea while others want to be in the bush. Sometimes they want to travel and then buy a lock up and go. There are all sorts of different reasons for moving or changing your home.”

For Kate, while the Noosa property game is ever evolving, one thing always remains the same – real estate is more than just about buying and selling; it’s about making a lasting mark in a place that people love to call home.

Déjà vu indeed!

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