Trending in 2023?

Image source: Contributed

Katrina Thorpe explores what’s trending in the world of wellness. 

Have you changed your way of living, habits, diet, or your environment with a shift towards more selfcare for a better lifestyle? 

Along with prioritising how and where we live; what we consume; and how and why we choose our purchases has been at the forefront of the minds of most of the population over the past few years. 

Most people have taken the opportunity to re-assess their lives towards improving their wellbeing with some opting for a sea or tree change; places with more sunshine; or going off the grid or a more sustainable, slower pace of life.  

Recent studies provide interesting  insights that predict ‘wellbeing’ trends upward for 2023 where we will see an even greater appreciation for nature; preferences for green and clean product and value, spending more time with family and friends. 

It’s not about money, it’s about happiness, and what makes us thrive to be alive. There are some stand-out wellness areas we have seen increasing in popularity that are predicted to continue growing for those seeking ways to improve and maintain their health and wellness. Here’s the top three:

1. Nature is Nurturing

Living with nature, surrounded by it and embracing a greener life has never been more popular. We no longer take our environment for granted – it’s more than a view from a window, we crave to be amongst it. People seek to spend more time in nature, buy natural and bring nature inside to embrace a more natural lifestyle. It’s sought after in every dimension, from natural household cleaning products to clean beauty products; and fresh, local, and organic food, beverage, and supplements. Natural fabrics, surfaces, paint and air filtration are just some of the trends in homes and workspaces that are in demand to provide a better quality of living.

2. Keeping Younger 

Statistics show that more of the younger generation are making wellness a part of their life with increased investment of time and money on gyms, yoga, pilates, personal trainers, running groups and day spas. It seems that it’s not just about the activity but also about feeling connected with a sense of emotional attachment and the sociability aspect that provides the foundation for a better lifestyle. 

We are also seeing a trend where older generations are also making the most of their lifestyle choices by taking early retirement, embracing the opportunity to downsize, travel, exercise, and actively invest in their health and wellbeing.

Early retirees have time to commit to the same fitness activities the younger generation enjoy; they also spend time lunching with friends and being involved with their family and community groups or travelling – taking off in their RV or caravan for slow travel and a simpler way of life. All of which they tell us makes them feel happier and younger.

In the past few years there is no doubt that we have all become aware of how vulnerable we are when it comes to our health and how important it is for us to lead a healthy, happy and well life. Living life to the fullest has now become living life to thrive so we can live our best life. 

The research shows that living within a healthy environment; eating less food, with a trend towards more sustainable and organic choices; and regular exercise contribute to a longer, well-lived life.

 Daily self-care routines, particularly for mental health, seem to be as important as what we consume. 

We’ve seen the trends of mindfulness meditation, functional fitness, fasting and ice bathing as hot topics and it is predicted to be the future wellness version of the way to give our bodies what they need to rest, restore and rejuvenate so that we can thrive. 

3. Connection 

The past few years have highlighted the importance of human connection in our day-to-day lives. It’s why we see an upward trend towards group fitness, human touch and care from beauty and wellness businesses. 

Seeking a sense of connection and community is a very important part of our wellness.

Giving back to others and our community has also seen a major increase in popularity. 

It may just be paying it forward for a coffee, volunteering, living a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle and helping with disaster relief or beach clean ups. 

Mostly it’s as good for our own wellness as it is for the environment and the community to belong, help and give back as it offers the important sense of connection to others.

That’s a trend we hope is here to stay.

About the Author /

With qualifications and years of experience in health, wellness, beauty, management and business, culminating in the creation of Ikatan Day Spa, Katrina has a passion for everything relating to the wellness world and loves to share her knowledge, experience and research with others. Katrina is an active member of our community with involvement in tourism and charity work.

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